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Can an App Predict Your Death? Meet the AI-Powered Death Clock!


Did you know there's the Death Clock that tries to guess when you might die based on your lifestyle?

A little surprisingly, over 125,000 people have already downloaded it!

It looks at characteristics such as your eating habits, how active you are, and whether you smoke cigarettes to make a hypothesis on how many years you have left-but don't take it too seriously.

This app is basically making a guess because it misses a lot of important things, including any health issues your family has a history of. Always remember, Death Clock app is not an all-knowing guide. It can't see everything that might affect how long you'll live!

Now let us engage in a discussion regarding this app.

Even though it can't look at everything, and definitely isn't a substitute for actual medical advice from a doctor, it's still causing a buzz for those wondering if they're making the right moves for their health.

It could give you a little insight into how your current lifestyle might be helping or hurting your lifespan — but before you hurry to download it right away, consider this the Death Clock might motivate some people to hone their health approach — but for others, it could just be a source of unnecessary stress.

And it's important to note these two vitally important points if you're even thinking about getting this app.

First, this isn't your doctor we are discussing, so don't ditch real medical advice for a hypothesis from an app. Everyone's different, and what it says regarding your life expectancy could be significantly off for you.

Secondly, while it might inspire some positive changes for certain people, not everyone's going to feel that way. You must weigh the potential benefits against the stress it could bring into your life.


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